The CAWT’s Gordon Balch and Brent Wootton have contributed to a newly published book, Multifunctional Wetlands: Pollution Abatement and Other Ecological Services from Natural and Constructed Wetlands.
Drawing from work undertaken in Canada’s Arctic by both the CAWT and the Centre for Water Resource Studies (CWRS, Dalhousie University), researchers from both institutions collaborated to write Chapter Three, titled “Recommendations for the Use of Tundra Wetlands for Treatment of Municipal Wastewater in Canada’s Far North”. The chapter discusses the treatment performance of natural tundra wetland treatment areas that are often used by northern communities where climate and remoteness make traditional municipal wastewater collection and treatment challenging.
Edited by Nidhi Nagabhatla (UNU-INWEH) and Christopher D. Metcalfe (Trent University), the book is part of a series that “summarizes environmental contamination and remediation related topics that provide a path forward in understanding the current state and the mitigation of environmental contamination both regionally and globally.”
Multifunctional Wetlands is available for purchase through major booksellers.