CAWT Manager and Senior Scientist Dr. Barbara Siembida-Losch was presented her Professional Engineers of Ontario licence last week. Congratulations! Barbara is now the second Professional Engineer that the CAWT currently has on staff.
CAWT Manager and Senior Scientist Dr. Barbara Siembida-Losch was presented her Professional Engineers of Ontario licence last week. Congratulations! Barbara is now the second Professional Engineer that the CAWT currently has on staff.
The public review of the standard W203 Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Northern Communities using Lagoon and Wetland Systems has begun. The CAWT’s Dr. Gordon Balch is a member of the Technical Subcommittee that was responsible for writing most of the draft standard. Dr. Balch has extensive knowledge and experience in cold temperature and tundra wastewater
With support from the Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC), the CAWT has been working with Greyter Water Systems to help the Greyter Home System reach NSF 350 (Onsite Water Reuse) certification. An innovative technology, the Greyter HOME System collects a home’s shower and bath water and reuses it to flush toilets, ultimately reducing water consumption. The SOWC
Water Canada magazine has named the “Best 6 Cities to Launch Your WaterTech Startup” in their September/October 2018 issue. The City of Peterborough was named #2 in Canada and #1 in Ontario. We have seen Peterborough become a hub for water technology innovation and research and we are proud to be a part of the
Two of the CAWT’s Research Scientists were recently featured in videos produced by In the first video, Dr. Barbara Siembida-Losch speaks about how the CAWT team works together to help our clients and partners innovate in the water and wastewater sphere, ultimately helping the environment and the economy. In the second video,