With his successful track record in applied research and innovative wastewater treatment technologies, it comes as no surprise to colleagues at Fleming that Dr. Brent Wootton, the College’s Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT) Director and Senior Scientist, was named and featured under the People category in the January / February issue of Water’s Next 2012.
A distinguished committee of water experts, from varied disciplines across the country, selected Wootton for the publication’s showcase of the best and brightest of Canada’s water champions. The nationally featured article highlights Wootton’s success in obtaining millions of dollars in funding and his involvement in over 40 research projects. Wootton is recognized as a global citizen with the skills to make a difference in the world. He is also renowned for his commitment and significant contributions to the alternative wastewater industry. Wootton emphasizes that the foundation of his success is based on the knowledge, support and effort from a large group of people that include Fleming staff and students, research faculty members, and community and global partnerships.
To read the Water’s Next feature on Dr. Brent Wooton visit http://watersnext.com/2012/brent-wootton/
In the same issue, Murrenhil Corporation, one of CAWTs industry partners, was featured in the Innovations category. The product showcased a specialized laminate film called the Roc Barrier that signals a cost-effective shift in the way oil spills are managed. Murrenhil is currently collaborating with Wootton and his team at Fleming College’s CAWT to further advance the product. Fleming’s research with Murrenhill is funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), through the Applied Research and Commercialization initiative.
At Fleming College, the CAWT promotes innovative forms of water and wastewater treatment technology through applied research, education and demonstration projects.
About Brent Wootton – Senior Scientist
Brent Wootton has a Master’s degree in the ecology and management of wetlands from the University of Waterloo and a Ph.D. in aquatic ecology from Trent University. He previously taught part time in the Environmental Technology Program at Fleming College and in the Environmental and Resource Studies Program at Trent University. He has worked extensively with government, industry, and community groups on environmental projects. His research interests include the design and functioning of treatment wetlands and the application of alternative technologies in rural settings and in small communities. He is currently Senior Scientist for the CAWT and directs activities and applied research at the centre.
About Fleming’s Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment
The Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT) at Fleming College is a dedicated research facility created by a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. The CAWT specializes in applied research on alternative, innovative, and emerging wastewater treatment technologies with emphasis on cold and temperate climates and on low cost, high efficiency technologies including biological treatment systems, phytotechnology, and other environmentally sound technologies. The CAWT has undertaken projects around the world in partnership with many universities, governments, and private companies.
About Water’s Next
Water’s Next is an annual publication of Water Canada magazine, highlighting significant contributions to Canada’s waterscape. The magazine’s readers make nominations in the categories of People, Businesses, Projects, and Innovation. www.watersnext.ca
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For more information:
Leigh McEachran, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or leighm@flemingc.on.ca